Here’s teaser #2!
If you have never visited Hell’s Canyon Dam, you are in for a treat! If you have been there before, you probably won’t mind going again
This location will take you as far into Hell’s Canyon on paved roads as you can go. A little past the dam, this visitor’s center is the end of the line. It doesn’t matter which direction you travel from, you will enjoy lots of scenery and curvy roads.
Warning – if you save this one until late July into August, you will be very, very hot.
If you are sniffing flowers, take the time to ride up to the Hell’s Canyon Overlook for a bonus view of the canyon. It is a paved NF road all the way up, the last couple of miles is still paved but not a full 2 lanes. You will go from about 1,500 feet at river level to roughly 5,500 feet at the overlook. Saying that the view is spectacular feels like I am cheating you of a proper description.
Location – N45.25363, W116.69724